
Ich sehe mich lediglich als Ihre Begleitung, die und Ihr Weltbild/Wirklichkeit erkunden und verstehen möchte. Es sind mehr meine Fragen, Tools, Methoden sowie Prozesse, die Ihnen helfen mehr Klarheit und Orientierung in Ihr Leben zu bringen. Und zwar in Ihrem Tempo und unter Ihren Bedingungen. Alles, was ich brauche, ist ein gefühltes „WOLLEN“.


    Will my position be terminated? I will be unemployed. Where and for what should I apply? What I do doesn't fulfill me. I am empty and unmotivated. Which job fits me?


    Some clients prefer online coaching. The protected framework of their own premises enables a more open conversation and lowers the inhibition threshold.


    Sparring partner in connection with an activity. As often quoted, body, mind and soul form a unit...


    Collaboration only works when everyone involved is clear where the journey is going. What is our vision? What is our goal? What is my role in achieving it? How is the process going?


Frequently asked questions:

  • Will my position be terminated? I will be unemployed. Where and for what should I apply?

  • What I do doesn't fulfill me. I am empty and unmotivated. Which job fits me?

  • Who am I? Am I an entrepreneur, manager or employee?

  • In my role as a manager I am lonely. How can I act so that I feel good again.

  • How can I present myself better? Am I authentic or am I underselling myself?

  • How do I convince my employees?

  • How can I identify and resolve conflicts?

In an initial meeting we get to know each other. You describe your situation to me and together we discuss the issues involved. This makes it clearer where your wishes, goals and expectations are going. We then plan the route together and set the time frame.

Coaching in-person or online


Some issues can be solved better through joint discussions. There is mutual learning and encouragement.

I moderate, give inputs and steer the process in such a way that everyone benefits and gets new insights. With humor and sensitivity, I encourage cooperation and create new alternative solutions.

In the first interview I get to know you and the situation in which you find yourself. I will ask you broad and detailed questions to cover as many factors as possible. Together we design scenarios for optimization and define the process. In groups of around 5-8 people, I set out a framework for the planned change process and analyze the problem areas.


  • The employees are demotivated and don't get involved like they used to?

  • The company parties are rarely attended and no one takes part in the planning.

  • There is hardly any interest in trying out new products or concepts?

  • I don't know what my team is really thinking. Nobody says anything?

  • Further training is hardly ever requested. In the appraisal interview, only the salary is considered important.


Career coaching:

Job change, change to self-employment, potential development, career choice, professional reorientation

Career coaching:

Clarification of the initial situation and career planning, self-marketing

Business coaching:

Communication, team building, performance reviews, goals/vision, conflicts

Applicant coaching:

Strategic planning, cooperation with platforms or consultations, preparation for selection processes

Coaching in person or online


Collaboration only works when everyone involved is clear where the journey is going.

  • What is our vision?

  • What is our goal?

  • What is my role in achieving it?

  • How is the process going?

It is crucial that everyone knows the strengths/weaknesses of the other and accepts them. Dysfunctions can be avoided through clearly defined processes, trust, good communication and benevolent cooperation.


  • How can our team work together constructively?

  • How can we support each other better?

  • Why is nobody saying anything? – How can we communicate better?

  • How can we better share responsibilities and responsibilities?

  • Why is there so much envy and distrust in our team?

  • Why do we have to constantly work under this extreme pressure and often make mistakes as a result?

  • We don't have a sense of community. Everyone is just working on themselves. How can we (re)create this?


In the first interview I get to know you and the situation in which you find yourself. I define and structure the underlying topics. I create a framework in which there is plenty of room for addressing "taboos". With sensitivity, humor, empathy as well as trust and openness. I open up new possibilities and release a lot of energy for change.